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picture1_Sterilization And Disinfection Slideshare 66800 | Lecture 10

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File: Sterilization And Disinfection Slideshare 66800 | Lecture 10
definition of frequently used terms sterilization removes all viable microorganisms including viruses material is said to be sterile usually for inanimate objects mostly performed with heat autoclave use saturated steam ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Definition of frequently used terms sterilization removes all viable microorganisms including viruses material is said to be sterile usually for inanimate objects mostly performed with heat autoclave use saturated steam under pressure reach temperatures above boiling definitions disinfection disinfectants agents chemical bleach solution the a physical process or agent disinfectant destroy vegetative pathogens does not bacterial endospores only on also toxins decontamination sanitization any cleansing technique that mechanically reduce contamination safe levels reduction microbial population deemed based public health standards sanitizer compound such as soap detergent sanitizes sanitary may free from microbes but are normal antisepsis prevention infection living tissue by antiseptics kill inhibit growth when applied directly exposed body surfaces sepsis in blood and other tissues asepsis practice prevents entry infectious into figure...

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