INTRODUCTION • An effective business communication reflects the self behind. In social psychology the term ‘self’ is used for an individuals' awareness of his/her abilities, personality traits and ways of doing things. Concept of self-development and communication ‘The totality of the qualities of a person is the combination of a person’s physical ,intellectual, materialistic and spiritual qualities. Consequently, Self-development refers to the ...
GUIDEPOST 1 : Does personality change in old age, and what special issues and tasks do older people face? Theory and Research on Personality Development Erik Erikson: Normative Issues and Tasks Integritas ego vs keputusasaan “Nilai moral” yang mungkin berkembang sepanjang tahap ini adalah Wisdom GUIDEPOST 1 : Does personality change in old age, and what special issues and tasks do older people face ...
OBJECTIVES 1.Define and explain human development 2.Define and explain the structures of our personality by looking through the lens of Sigmund Freud’s theory 3.Analyze the different theories of human development WHAT IS HUMAN DEVELOPMENT? • “it is the progressive and continuous change in the individual from conception up to death.” (Santos, 2010) MATURATION • “.refers to ...
Theories of personality development ,Many theories attempt to explain human behavior health, and mental illness. Each theory suggests how normal development occurs based on the theorist’s beliefs, assumptions, and view of the world. These theories suggest strategies that the clinician can use to work with clients. Many of the theories discussed i n this chapter were not based on empirical or research evidence; rather ...
LEARNING GOALS 1. Intelligence 2. Learning and Thinking Styles 3. Personality and Temperament WHAT IS INTELLIGENCE? Intelligence: Problem-solving skills and the ability to adapt to and learn from experiences Binet Tests MA (Mental Age): an individual’s level of mental development relative to others IQ (Intelligence Quotient): a person’s mental age divided by chronological age, multiplied by 100 Normal distribution: A symmetrical distribution with ...
Dear Ms. Knight Pre-Reading Alice Walker, the author of The Color Purple, was the youngest of eight children in her family. Psychologists have conducted many studies on the various ways in which birth order affects the development of children. These ways include the formation of personality, the relative assertiveness of children, and the ways that children form relationships in their adult lives. In your own ...
Personality Development HAND LING FEAR Definisi Ketakutan adalah suatu tanggapan emosi terhadap ancaman Takut adalah suatu mekanisme pertahanan hidup dasar yang terjadi sebagai respons terhadap suatu stimulus tertentu, seperti : Rasa sakit atau ancaman bahaya. Takut adalah salah satu dari emosi dasar, selain kebahagiaan, kesedihan, dan kemarahan. 1. Bagaimana mengatasi rasa takut karena konflik, kehilangan identitas, dan kurangnya keamanan ? PEMBAHASAN 2. Bagaimana menggunakan rasa takut ...
Strategies for Your Toolkit • Strategy 1: Avoid Emotional High Jacking • Strategy 2: Prevent Conflict • Strategy 3: Resolve Conflict Sequential Process Strategy 1 Strategy 2 Strategy 3 Strategy 1 – Most Important One Avoid becoming emotionally high jacked • Do not emotionally high jack ourselves • Do not allow others to high jack us Avoid High Jacking Ourselves &bull ...
Definisi Kepribadian Serangkaian pola perilaku, perasaan dan pemikiran yang relatif konsisten, yang membedakan satu orang dengan orang lainnya Kata kunci: Consistent Distinctive The four D’s of Personality : Description Development Dynamics Determinant Konsep Psikodiagnostik Herman Rorschach (1921) “as a method to raise diagnostic” Ditinjau dari arti katanya “diagnostic as a manner to know something (symptoms) for distinguish between(individual differences) James Drever ...
Prasyarat: Psikologi Kepribadian I Tujuan: Mahasiswa memahami dan mampu menjelaskan konsep- konsep dasar beberapa teori kepribadian (behavioristik-belajar sosial, humanistik-fenomenologis, teori kepribadian dari dunia timur), hubungan teori kepribadian dan penerapannya, membandingkan antar teori kepribadian, serta mampu menguraikan secara tertulis aspek kepribadian seseorang berdasarkan teori kepribadian tertentu. Uraian: Morray, Allport, Goldstein, Maslow, dan Rogers, Lewin, Kelly, Skinner, Dollard-Miller, Bandura, Cettell, Eysenck, Zuckerman, Psikologi Timur. Kepustakaan: Frankl, V ...