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picture1_Leadership Development Ppt 66414 | Conflict Management Strategies For Your Toolkit

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File: Leadership Development Ppt 66414 | Conflict Management Strategies For Your Toolkit
strategies for your toolkit strategy 1 avoid emotional high jacking strategy 2 prevent conflict strategy 3 resolve conflict sequential process strategy 1 strategy 2 strategy 3 strategy 1 most important ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Strategies for your toolkit strategy avoid emotional high jacking prevent conflict resolve sequential process most important one becoming emotionally jacked do not jack ourselves allow others to us http www youtube com watch v tgbtkrebxfy psychodynamic leadership theory hardwired neurological pathways aggression and states are driven by the medulla oblongata in our brains behavioral patterns personality development preferences orientations comfort zone what we like rather than dislike needs based satisfying resist modifying behaviors doing want instead of should people who control their emotions giving physiological psychological responses take bait when or situations set off triggers usually developed from childhood hot buttons that can cause lose overreact effective charter leaders operationally defined as individuals live work perform at very best they accomplish this being keenly aware strengths weaknesses importantly modify thinking decisions think analyze listen ground underminin...

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