confidential divisional draft divisional director version 9 0 divisional director prof accountable to med director prof accountable to med director accountable to director of ops accountable to director of ops ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
The words contained in this file might help you see if this file matches what you are looking for:
...Confidential divisional draft director version prof accountable to med of ops responsible the ceo head operations div deputy finance manager nurse midwifery dir op only chief group depending on speciality grouping clinical leads matrons support division services women s children emergency care medical specialties surgery all sites bhh solihull ghh imaging paediatrics ed renal t o theatres gynaecology acute diabetes thoracic anaesthetics obstetrics short stay haematology urology pain neonates medicine oncology incl breast pathology community flex palliative plastics pharmacy school nursing general neurology upper gi day case health visitors stroke elderly lower amb cardiology dermatology gastro critical respiratory rheumatology endoscopy infectious adult vascular diseases ent devices ophthalmology discharge hubs lounge therapies cancer records patient access outpatients planning corporate...