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picture1_Powerpoint Presentation Introduction 66475 | 1 7 Cs Of Communication

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File: Powerpoint Presentation Introduction 66475 | 1 7 Cs Of Communication
unit 1 essentials of business letter writing 7cs of effective 7cs of effective communication communication introduction business communication both oral and written demands more competencies in language communication skills in ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Unit essentials of business letter writing cs effective communication introduction both oral and written demands more competencies in language skills any environment adherence to helps the sender transmitting messages with ease accuracy qualities which are essential for a good collectively called because most them begin c powerful govern composition all whether spoken or as following completeness conciseness consideration concreteness clarity courtesy correctness complete develops enhances reputation an organization they cost saving no crucial information is missing additional incurred conveying extra message if always gives wherever required it leaves questions mind receiver better decision making by audience readers receivers get desired persuades time well underlines highlights main avoids using excessive needless words concise provides short limited appealing comprehensible non repetitive nature...

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