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picture1_Teaching Pdf 107442 | Lesson Plan Therapeutic Communication Techniques

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File: Teaching Pdf 107442 | Lesson Plan Therapeutic Communication Techniques
lesson plan on therapeutic communication mrs jayanthi k associate professor department of mental health nursing icon therapeutic communication name of the teacher mrs jayanthi k assoc prof dept of mhn ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 26 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Lesson plan on therapeutic communication mrs jayanthi k associate professor department of mental health nursing icon name the teacher assoc prof dept mhn college indirani course b sc n iii year subject topic date and time method teaching lecture cum discussion duration hours av aids black board roller chart hand out powerpoint general objectives students will acquire adequate knowledge regarding meaning definition process goals characteristics techniques non failures develops a desirable attitude applies skills in practice when communicating with patients care team members clinical environment specific objective be able to introduce describe define brief discuss elaborate identify interpret explain teachers s content learners evaluation activity mins introduction listen is dynamic constant change that takes place around us all fact we spend our receiving sending messages basic element human interactions allows people establish maintain improve contacts others communicative intervention...

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