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picture1_Powerpoint Note Taking 66380 | Note Taker Training

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File: Powerpoint Note Taking 66380 | Note Taker Training
why does plu disability services provide notetaking accommodations the americans with disabilities act amendments act of 2008 and the rehabilitation act of 1973 mandate equal access to education employment and ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Why does plu disability services provide notetaking accommodations the americans with disabilities act amendments of and rehabilitation mandate equal access to education employment public for qualified individuals in an educational setting may be deemed a reasonable accommodation are provided level playing field equitable not give unfair advantage there many different reasons student might receive examples include but limited students who deaf or hard hearing need focus on sign language interpreter if lip reading instructor blind have visual cognitive physical impairments note taking notes must taken laptop computer so they can later use screen reader listen lecture increase font size large enough them identify read which impact their ability take benefits notetaker as well being chosen volunteer is valuable experience could included resume notetakers benefit from someone else by improving quality organization class it encourages regular attendance rewarding help out fellow classmate t...

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