retaining information studies show that people may forget 50 of a lecture within 24 hours 80 in two weeks 95 within one month if they do not take notes work ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Retaining information studies show that people may forget of a lecture within hours in two weeks one month if they do not take notes work at improving your note taking skills test go back to the you took this week classes make sense feel as though are sitting and hearing professor talk about topic beginning semester still phases before class read assigned material review from previous session sit near front center room begin for each on new page date notebook well number handout identify chapter being covered top during listen carefully an overview main topics maintain focus important goal is write every word down supporting such key points background dates terms definitions examples formulas end summary after revise or edit soon possible rewrite necessary summarize...