cat21 series objectives to equip catalogers to deal with new types of resources and to recognize their unique characteristics to equip catalogers to evaluate competing approaches to and standards for ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Cat series objectives to equip catalogers deal with new types of resources and recognize their unique characteristics evaluate competing approaches standards for providing access think creatively work collaboratively others inside outside home institutions ensure that have a broad enough understanding the current environment be able make local efforts compatible interoperable other prepare comfortable ambiguity being less than perfect enable practicing put themselves into emerging digital information continue play significant role in shaping library services workshop goals learn basic steps planning project review grant writing projects understand management issues explore assessment tools measuring success create roadmap needed collaboration team building both intra inter agency skills need develop plan criteria selection measure outline this section introduction development business or making your case evaluation how why digitize provide better added value preserve fragile materials ...