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picture1_Powerpoint Presentation Introduction 65969 | Romi Pm 10 Communication April2013

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File: Powerpoint Presentation Introduction 65969 | Romi Pm 10 Communication April2013
romi satria wahono sd sompok semarang 1987 smpn 8 semarang 1990 sma taruna nusantara magelang 1993 b eng m eng and dr eng on leave department of computer science saitama ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Romi satria wahono sd sompok semarang smpn sma taruna nusantara magelang b eng m and dr on leave department of computer science saitama university japan research interests software engineering intelligent systems founder ilmukomputer com lipi researcher ceo pt brainmatics cipta informatika project management course outline introduction to the information technology context process groups a case study integration scope time cost quality human resource communication risk procurement learning objectives understand importance good communications in projects discuss identifying stakeholders how create stakeholder register strategy explain elements planning plan describe various methods for distributing advantages disadvantages each addressing individual needs calculate number channels recognize managing expectations performance reporting helps stay informed about resources list improving such as conflicts running effective meetings using e mail other technologies effectively templates can e...

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