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picture1_Communication Ppt 65824 | Literature, Listening And Communication

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File: Communication Ppt 65824 | Literature, Listening And Communication
the art of listening if we were supposed to talk more than listen we would have been given two mouths and one ear mark twain listening is the absorption of ...

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...The art of listening if we were supposed to talk more than listen would have been given two mouths and one ear mark twain is absorption meaning words sentences by brain leads understanding facts ideas vs hearing physical process natural passive mental active learned a skill hard you must choose participate in learning what effective skills are ability actively understand information provided speaker display interest topic discussed it can also include providing with feedback asking pertinent questions so knows message received using multiple senses comprehend being sent importance communication most powerful form acknowledgment way saying important builds stronger relationships creates desire cooperate among people because they feel accepted acknowledged promotes heard seek first then be understood acceptance openness conveys that i am not judging encourages personal growth reduces stress tension minimizes confusion misunderstanding eliminating related critical conflict resolution much...

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