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picture1_Communication Ppt 65693 | Hum102 Slides Lecture14

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File: Communication Ppt 65693 | Hum102 Slides Lecture14
previous lecture the 7 c s of effective communication clarity conciseness completeness 2 7 c s of effective communication 1 clarity 2 conciseness 3 completeness 4 concreteness 5 correctness 6 ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Previous lecture the c s of effective communication clarity conciseness completeness concreteness correctness consideration courtesy specifics interconnected with and interpret facts figures avoid use vague words particularly those multiple meanings o several quickly cite sources appropriately provide numerical data within sentence construction according to a b students letting readers deduce meaning misinterpretation donatives direct explicit dictionary based rather than connotative associated ideas notions prefer action verbs nouns vivid image building this letter is long vs three times as you said it would impossible focus on possibilities using active voice at positive situations passive negative details that capture attention audience useful for marketing or advertising campaigns general concrete precise indefinite in gmat scores student are averaged by they higher had risen...

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