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picture1_Communication Ppt 65554 | Poetry Therapy Powerpoint Presentation

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File: Communication Ppt 65554 | Poetry Therapy Powerpoint Presentation
poetry therapy seminar guide conquering adversity through verse a lesson plan by todd fries what is poetry therapy poetry therapy is an interactive process with three essential components the literature ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Poetry therapy seminar guide conquering adversity through verse a lesson plan by todd fries what is an interactive process with three essential components the literature trained facilitator and client s selects poem or other form of written spoken media to serve as catalyst evoke feeling responses for discussion helps individual develop on emotional cognitive social levels writing original poems that at once speak unique universal also part healing power goals accuracy understanding in perceiving self others creativity expression greater esteem strengthen interpersonal skills communication ventilate overpowering emotions release tension find new meaning ideas insights information promote change increase coping adaptive functions who are therapists groups run writers writer facilitators psychological health professionals such occupational nurses workers teachers can use has broad range applications people all ages used maintenance well individuals requiring treatment various illnesses c...

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