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File: Technology Pdf 61434 | Rama 41231 05031181520035 0001038201 0006027501 01 Front Ref
skripsi pengaruh penambahan sari buah nanas dan maizena terhadap karakteristik saus cabai merah capsicum annum l the effect of pineapple juice and maizena addition on characteristics of red chili sauce ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 24 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Skripsi pengaruh penambahan sari buah nanas dan maizena terhadap karakteristik saus cabai merah capsicum annum l the effect of pineapple juice and addition on characteristics red chili sauce riana april yani program studi teknologi hasil pertanian jurusan fakultas universitas sriwijaya summary supervised by merynda indriyani syafutri friska syaiful purpose this research was to know concentration physical chemical sensory started from june october at agricultural product laboratory agiculture technology departement faculty university indralaya south sumatera utilized a factorial completely randomized design ralf consisting with two treatment factors each repeated three times first factor second observed parameters were color viscosity water content ph total acid organoleptic taste texture results showed that had significant effects interaction best ab hedonic score most like panelist value lightness redness yellowness mpa s ringkasan dibimbing oleh penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeta...

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