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picture1_Pendidikan Pdf 57130 | Korespondensi Seluruh Ke Jpii Q3 (agus Pahrudin)

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File: Pendidikan Pdf 57130 | Korespondensi Seluruh Ke Jpii Q3 (agus Pahrudin)
jurnal pendidikan ipa indonesia http journal unnes ac id index php jpii the analysis of pre service physics teachers in scientific literacy focus on the competence and knowledge aspects 1 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 22 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Jurnal pendidikan ipa indonesia http journal unnes ac id index php jpii the analysis of pre service physics teachers in scientific literacy focus on competence and knowledge aspects a pahrudin irwandani e triyana y oktarisa saregar faculty education teacher training universitas islam negeri raden intan lampung department science university copenhagen denmark doi accepted approved published abstract role technological is needed to compete international competition one roles by analyzing ability this research aims find out how far achievement possesses current measurement encompasses two namely subjects were thirty from selected using purposive sampling instrument used was test data techniques consisted reduction display verification result shows that overall gained percentage which moderate category based results obtained it indicates has not shown satisfying can be concluded needs an improvement study program fmipa semarang keywords introduction development technology major influence f...

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