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File: Pendidikan Pdf 56995 | Njk4zje5mja4mti3m2jhzdeynwi0zgi4ngu0mtcznmrkodm3zjcynq==
jpii 6 1 2017 11 15 jurnal pendidikan ipa indonesia http journal unnes ac id index php jpii efforts in improving teachers competencies through collaboration between teacher forum on subject ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Diposting 22 Aug 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Jpii jurnal pendidikan ipa indonesia http journal unnes ac id index php efforts in improving teachers competencies through collaboration between teacher forum on subject matter mgmp and pre service training institution lptk a purwoko y andayani muntar i n diartha natural science education study program graduate programme universitas mataram chemistry faculty of sman pemenang north lombok regency doi vi th accepted february approved march published april abstract the goal this is to improve high school s competency terms classroom instruc tion achieved workshop continuous assistance activities that enable their knowledge skills developing learning scenarios reflect scientific methods brain based instruction effect competence improvement was measured by sur vey student perception teaching process using likert scale questionnaire first poll conducted before started second one after completion observation shows only students perceive are good while rest say it fair however there stu dents ...

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