File: The Environment Pdf 56039 | Theint United Nation Researchg Final
protection of marine environment under the law of the sea united nations the nippon foundation of japan fellowship programme disclaimer the views expressed herein are those of the author and ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Protection of marine environment under the law sea united nations nippon foundation japan fellowship programme disclaimer views expressed herein are those author and do not necessarily reflect government union myanmar or world maritime university in malmo sweden abstract pollution ocean is a major problem affecting rest earth too directly affects organisms indirectly human health other resources oil spills dumping toxic wastes harmful materials into all sources an issue that has been global concern for past several decades fearing it will most probably continue to be so more international community formulated rules regulations concluded number conventions comprehensively address preservation among these on lays down obligations states protect preserve which requires cooperate regional basic through competent organizations formulating standards awareness environmental issues become critical industry regulators last recent years there project between china super tanker terminal kyaukphyu...