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picture1_Latin Pdf 55967 | Appendix C To Tradition Sef Rulebook Foreign Currency Product Listing 10 03 2016

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File: Latin Pdf 55967 | Appendix C To Tradition Sef Rulebook Foreign Currency Product Listing 10 03 2016
appendix c to tradition sef rulebook foreign currency product listing foreign exchange product descriptions options the trading strategies allowed include but are not limited to all manner of put call ...

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...Appendix c to tradition sef rulebook foreign currency product listing exchange descriptions options the trading strategies allowed include but are not limited all manner of put call butterfly straddle risk reversal spreads and delta neutral volatility trades with a range tenors depending on pair from o n through y long date selected pairs out swaps correlation variance non deliverable forwards major latin american south asian currencies fx other clearing availability contract type cleared details ndf s partial available latam option strategy global strangle knock in reverse double one touch no swap forward agreement basket worst an is notional amount where physical settlement two takes place at maturity instead net cash made by party another based difference rates done using pre determined typically usd agreed fixing or days prior spot there principle upfront payments these contracts convention definitions follow emerging market trade association emta conventions http www org template ...

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