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picture1_Fema Act Pdf 95295 | Unit Ii Session Iii

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File: Fema Act Pdf 95295 | Unit Ii Session Iii
fema act with background of fera introduction foreignexchange foreign exchange is the system or process of converting one national currency into another and of transferring moneyfromonecountrytoanother foreigncurrency foreign currency means ...

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...Fema act with background of fera introduction foreignexchange foreign exchange is the system or process converting one national currency into another and transferring moneyfromonecountrytoanother foreigncurrency means any other than indian foreignsecurity security in form shares stocks bonds debentures instrumental denominated expressed includes securities but where redemption oranyformofreturnsuchasinterestordividendsispayableinindiancurrency inceptionof law thelawwascreatedduringthetenureofprimeministerindiragandhiwiththegoalofconservingindia s resources country was facing a trade deficit which followed by devaluation an increase price imported oil specified transactions werepermitted including those between residents non to regulation deals laws relate india were made manage investments has its origin at time independence beginning it temporary arrangement control flow permanent as industrialization grew there asaresult therearoseaneedtoprotectit accordingly amended consists complex...

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