File: Research Pdf 55889 | Businessresearchmethods
business research methods 50 marks group a 30 lectures objective this course aims at providing the general understanding of business research and themethods of business research the course will impart ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Business research methods marks group a lectures objective this course aims at providing the general understanding of and themethods will impart learning about how to collect analyze present interpret data unit introduction meaning scope purpose exploration description explanation analysis individual organization groups series conception construct attributes variables hypotheses process an overview problem identification definition selection basic field study survey method observational existing based measurement hypothesis testing designing writing items uni dimensional multi scales nominal ordinal interval ratio ratings ranking scale thurstone likert semantic differential scaling paired comparison concept sampling probability non types steps sample size decision secondary sources construction tests concerning means proportions one way two anova chi square test other parametric assumptions classical normal linear regression outline multivariate factor multiple its applications b spss ...