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picture1_Research Pdf 55863 | 7 Item Download 2022-08-21 20-43-12

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File: Research Pdf 55863 | 7 Item Download 2022-08-21 20-43-12
paper code 16rsbe3 3 class iii bba a course material on e crm virtual marketing by r sumathi assistant professor departmentof business administration s t e t women s college ...

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...Paper code rsbe class iii bba a course material on e crm virtual marketing by r sumathi assistant professor departmentof business administration s t women college mannargudi skill based elective semester v unit i introduction fundamentals internet basics intranet extranet ii bb focus scope different forms of organizational process online line retail sales promotion web enabled advertisements research iv customer relationship management the economics loyalty importance trust focusing right customers capital strategies facilitating including personalization collaborative filtering data mining warehousing and real time profiling text books recommended rafia mohammed building an intelligent david ferris larry whipple ecrm concepts cases madhavi garikaparthi kaushik mukerjee phi dr srinivasa vallabhan commerce learntech press trichy p jpseph j ph creating presence website advertising traffic brand pricing market legal problems information electronic support consumer benefits is short for as...

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