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picture1_Environmental Management Act Pdf 55673 | Environmental Law Course Outline For The Internet

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File: Environmental Management Act Pdf 55673 | Environmental Law Course Outline For The Internet
environmental law elective 2018 lecturer mr n mzolo 1 course description environmental law is an elective course offered to final year llb students in the faculty of law environmental law ...

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...Environmental law elective lecturer mr n mzolo course description is an offered to final year llb students in the faculty of seeks enable understand and analyse legal rules relating environment it therefore explores social economic philosophical issues raised by attempts protect conserve more specifically examines some fundamental principles natural resource conservation utilisation land use planning development enforcement international dimension which has shaped much direction that south africa taken will be considered crucial any application understanding role played constitution also examined a core focus on national management act provides underlying framework for assumptions prior learning order successfully complete this should capable communicating competently written spoken english able work study independently reading extracting analysing relevant information from various sources know how where access resources so using library electronic applying problem solving techniques h...

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