File: Research Pdf 55518 | Isselbekemeieretal Phnsgresagenda
public health nursing vol 29 no 4 pp 330 342 0737 1209 2012 wiley periodicals inc doi 10 1111 j 1525 1446 2011 00989 x special features methods a public ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Public health nursing vol no pp wiley periodicals inc doi j x special features methods a research agenda l michele issel ph d r n betty bekemeier m p h and shawn kneipp university of illinois at chicago school washington seattle north carolina chapel hill correspondence to w taylor street mc il e mail uic edu abstract nurses phns use many interventions prevent illness promote the populations unfortunately generating evidence regarding phn practice is not explicitly identi fied as priority area major national funding agencies nor has profession had strong enough drive improvement on population level support such areas further advance science needed guide conference set was held in october with grant from agency for healthcare quality part multimethod participatory multistage approach taken generate final themes corresponding questions process yielded four high intervention mod els focused metrics comparative effectiveness phnoutcomes adopted by researchers based partners more program wi...