anand 2 2 open access scientific reports http dx doi org 10 4172 scientificreports 632 open access scientific reports open access research article open access global environmental issues s vijay ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Anand open access scientific reports http dx doi org scientificreports research article global environmental issues s vijay department of tourism school management pondicherry university kalapet india abstract is a phrase that refers to the effect on climate human actions in particular fire fossil fuels coal oil and gas large scale deforestation which cause emissions atmosphere amounts greenhouse gases most important carbon dioxide such take up infrared radiation emitted by earth surface act as blankets over keeping it warmer than would otherwise be connected with this warming are changes basic science leads well implicit more detailed understanding relies numerical models integrate dynamical physical equations describing complete system many likely characteristics resulting frequent heat waves increases rainfall increase frequency intensity extreme events can identified substantial uncertainties remain knowledge some feedbacks within affect overall magnitude change much detail regiona...