the author s shown below used federal funds provided by the u s department of justice and prepared the following final report document title why do corporations obey environmental law ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The author s shown below used federal funds provided by u department of justice and prepared following final report document title why do corporations obey environmental law assessing punitive cooperative strategies corporate crime control sally simpson joel garner carole gibbs no date received november award number ij cx this has not been published to provide better customer service ncjrs made federally funded grant available electronically in addition traditional paper copies opinions or points view expressed are those necessarily reflect official position policies is a research submitted technical criminology criminal university maryland joint centers for studies michigan state was with support from lj national institute authors abstract emphasize use formal legal sanctions especially but exclusively found deter current future offenders similar acts misconduct regulatory persuasion facilitate enhance compliance these pro social norms informal sanction threats intra organizational co...