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picture1_The Environment Pdf 55466 | 2502872

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File: The Environment Pdf 55466 | 2502872
poverty and climate change reducing the vulnerability of the poor through adaptation prepared by african development bank asian development bank department for international development united kingdom directorate general for develop ...

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...Poverty and climate change reducing the vulnerability of poor through adaptation prepared by african development bank asian department for international united kingdom directorate general develop ment european commission federal ministry economic cooperation germany foreign affairs netherlands organization nations programme environment world ii contents list boxes figures tables acronyms abbreviations iv foreword v acknowledgements vi executive summary ix reduction challenge st century is happening will increasingly affect necessary x strengthening efforts xi next steps xii part a reality developing countries be particularly affected necessity existing to variability already stressed coping capacities compounding risks vulnerabilities implications eradication lessons from past experience addressing in context sustainable livelihoods equitable growth improving governance mainstream issues way forward into continue strengthen assessment information gathering engagement with unfccc proces...

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