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picture1_Environmental Pollution Notes Pdf 55409 | Chapter 23

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File: Environmental Pollution Notes Pdf 55409 | Chapter 23
environmental stress module vi work life and environmental concerns 23 notes environmental stress our environment plays a vital role in determining our well being we live in an environment and ...

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...Environmental stress module vi work life and concerns notes our environment plays a vital role in determining well being we live an the quality of depends on surrounding today various types pollution e g water air are creating for people as you know large number diseases come from which this lesson will study about factors produce their psychological impact analyze some ways overcoming them objectives after studying be able to explain models human interaction state aspects describe how can managed concepts pro behaviour sustainable development have read its effects recapitulate it may noted that is any physical or emotional causes bodily mental tension same way defined undesirable transaction between person demands made by us constitute sources understand better let learn issues linked relationship indicated earlier considerable part influenced has been used include world socio cultural interact with others field psychology secondary course deals diverse all wonder at times who superio...

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