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picture1_The Environment Pdf 55405 | 3 Item Download 2022-08-21 16-53-19

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File: The Environment Pdf 55405 | 3 Item Download 2022-08-21 16-53-19
module 1 environmental science senior secondary course environment through ages notes 3 degradation of natural environment when humans evolved more than two millions years ago the natural resources were over ...

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...Module environmental science senior secondary course environment through ages notes degradation of natural when humans evolved more than two millions years ago the resources were over abundant as compared to human needs population increased and food for shelter required these drawn at an increasing rate from even today are being exploited by meet their in this lesson you shall learn how activities degrade deplete objectives after completing will be able recall concept factors that cause it explain exploitation leads relationship between growth urbanization deterioration causes effects deforestation draw a excessive mining meaning fossil fuels impact use on discuss modernization agriculture has adversely affected industrialization abiotic air water soil biotic plants animals list local regional global backlashes caused describe life rapidly resulted overexploitation consequences such clearly seen erosion loss biodiversity pollution land bodies reached level which is threatening well sur...

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