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File: Research Pdf 55185 | 8226 Item Download 2022-08-21 14-59-11
grounded theory studies in industrial marketing systematic review and implications for future research abstract industrial marketing research has traditionally employed qualitative case studies while relatively less is known about the ...

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...Grounded theory studies in industrial marketing systematic review and implications for future research abstract has traditionally employed qualitative case while relatively less is known about the application of despite its potential suitability to this study conducts a that are published five journals findings provide an overview illustrate state art applications methods furthermore demonstrate difference between methodological guidelines their practical thus offering advice researchers on how improve keywords joona keranen lappeenranta university technology faculty management department value network p o box finland phone e mail lut fi minna oinonen track pluralism development paper type work progress introduction prominent position where scholars have both extensively build new theories easton piekkari plakoyiannaki welch usually considered highly suitable as they tools capturing explaining dynamic interactions behaviors actors occur over time specific real life context woodside wil...

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