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picture1_Monetary System Pdf 55172 | 022216b

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File: Monetary System Pdf 55172 | 022216b
strengthening the international monetary march 2016 system a stocktaking imf staff regularly produces papers proposing new imf policies exploring options for reform or reviewing existing imf policies and operations the ...

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...Strengthening the international monetary march system a stocktaking imf staff regularly produces papers proposing new policies exploring options for reform or reviewing existing and operations following document has been released is included in this package informal session to engage report prepared by was discussed with executive directors on such sessions are used brief policy issues receive feedback from them preparation formal consideration at future date no decisions taken these views expressed paper those of do not necessarily represent s board transparency allows deletion market sensitive information premature disclosure authorities intentions published reports other documents electronic copies available public http www org external pp ppindex aspx fund washington d c thening streng february summary light changing contours global economy provides an overview challenges facing ims it seeks forge common understanding its shortcomings lay basis discussing possible roadmap further w...

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