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picture1_The Environment Pdf 55116 | Cavanaughijet01

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File: The Environment Pdf 55116 | Cavanaughijet01
international jl of educational telecommunications 2001 7 1 73 88 the effectiveness of interactive distance education technologies in k 12 learning a meta analysis catherine s cavanaugh college of education ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...International jl of educational telecommunications the effectiveness interactive distance education technologies in k learning a meta analysis catherine s cavanaugh college and human services university north florida jacksonville fl usa ccavanau unf edu this article summarizes quantitative synthesis studies using vid eoconferencing for academic achievement effect sizes experimental quasi ex perimental including student participants were analyzed across sample characteristics study methods learn ing environment learner attributes technological char acteristics overall mean size was small positive favor more pro grams that combine an individualized approach with tradi tional classroom instruction programs delivered through enhancement short duration groups yielded larger than videoconferencing primary long large all content areas except foreign language resulted ef fect supports use dis tance to complement enhance expand educa tion options because can be expected result at least comparab...

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