iii the future monetary system key takeaways a burst of creative innovation is under way in money and payments opening up vistas of a future digital monetary system that adapts ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Iii the future monetary system key takeaways a burst of creative innovation is under way in money and payments opening up vistas digital that adapts continuously to serve public interest structural flaws make crypto universe unsuitable as basis for it lacks stable nominal anchor while limits its scalability result fragmentation contrary decentralisation narrative often relies on unregulated intermediaries pose financial risks grounded central bank offers sounder ensuring services are interoperable domestically across borders such can sustain virtuous circle trust adaptability through network effects new capabilities programmability composability tokenisation not preserve but instead be built top currencies cbdcs fast payment systems associated data architectures introduction every day people around world more than billion they pay goods borrow save engage multitude transactions time do so rely set institutions arrangements surround support exchange at heart stands issues maintains core...