File: Research Pdf 53371 | Wp 88 Workingpaper Schoenbohm
imb institute of management berlin impact of investor presentations on share prices evidence from dax 30 companies from 2010 2012 authors christopher breu avo schonbohm markus locher editors carsten baumgarth ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Imb institute of management berlin impact investor presentations on share prices evidence from dax companies authors christopher breu avo schonbohm markus locher editors carsten baumgarth gert bruche christoph dorrenbacher friedrich nagel working paper no series editor head research date papers the at school economics and law hwr badensche str d issn all rights reserved hochschule fur wirtschaft und recht biographic note works as a junior controller for kpmg ag wirtschaftsprufungsgesellschaft in ber lin before joining he earned his master s degree accounting controlling received bachelor business administration university applied sciences htw gmail com arbeitet als die bevor er sich anschloss absolvierte sein masterstudium an der seinen bachelorab schluss machte betriebswirtschaftslehre technik christopherbreu is professor since field encompasses various aspects performance enterprise gamification serious games negotiation techniques worked internal audit manager vice president strateg...