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picture1_Research Pdf 53334 | 25899112

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File: Research Pdf 53334 | 25899112
advances in social science education and humanities research assehr volume 237 3rd international conference on humanities science management and education technology hsmet 2018 research on the development of accounting industry ...

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...Advances in social science education and humanities research assehr volume rd international conference on management technology hsmet the development of accounting industry internet era yang wang a school finance economics dalian university liaoning china qq com keywords abstract must combine with big data cloud computing faster more efficient process mass rapidly changing various will be not only applied to financial is going analyze interpret information behind function role gradually reflect become an important part business decision making this paper two branches both for analysis age how try set up connection profession introduction connecting offline platform that also tool since spread broadband speed between each operator has been agenda even implemented places rise concept drives lot transformation reform as businesses wide range industries are suitable their own ecological system make sure you long term healthy plus high level summary new forms economic driven by co evolution...

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