advances in social science education and humanities research assehr volume 58 3rd international conference on early childhood education icece 16 environmental education through research based project approach for early childhood ...
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...Advances in social science education and humanities research assehr volume rd international conference on early childhood icece environmental through based project approach for ocih setiasih heny djoehaeni asep deni gustiana leli kurniawati teacher training program faculty of universitas pendidikan indonesia corresponding e mail upi edu abstract problems are frequently caused by a lack caring awareness humans part has made efforts to play an important role generate peoples towards betterments environments be initiated set children their age appropriate with developmental characteristics the principles learning various approaches strategies teachers choose facilitate gain childrens is one implement aim present article writing discuss discussion focused concepts keywords introduction at risk never developing such attitudes second premise that positive interactions having do demand natural environment healthy closer examination from sectors including child development wilson this means ti...