methods of data collection collection of primary data we collect primary data during the course of doing experiments in an experimental research but in case we do research of the ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Methods of data collection primary we collect during the course doing experiments in an experimental research but case do descriptive type and perform surveys whether sample or census then can obtain either through observation direct communication with respondents one form another personal interviews this other words means that there are several collecting particularly researches important ones i method ii interview iii questionnaires iv schedules v which include a warranty cards b distributor audits c pantry d consumer panels e using mechanical devices f projective techniques g depth h content analysis briefly take up each separately is most commonly used specially studies relating to behavioral sciences way all observe things around us sort not scientific becomes tool for researcher when it serves formulated purpose systematically planned recorded subjected checks controls on validity reliability under information sought by investigator s own without asking from respondent instance s...