chapter iii research metodology 3 1 research method the researcher used descriptive qualitative method in this research according to sugiyono 2016 8 qualitative research method are often referred to as ...
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...Chapter iii research metodology method the researcher used descriptive qualitative in this according to sugiyono are often referred as naturalistic because is carried out natural condition or setting also ethnographic at first was more for cultural anthropology than data and analysis were meanwhile moleong state that purpose understanding phenomenon about thing experienced by subject of such behaviourism perception motivation action other usually done holistically described form words a special scientific context utilizing various methods based on two explanations above has concluded presented means descriptions group description contained barriers speaking english foreign language learners fourth semester education study program sekolah tinggi keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan muhammadiyah kotabumi academic year place been conducted one college north lampung it located hasan kepala ratu street number sindang sari resource where can be obtained have taken from chosen chooses explained backg...