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...Texttexttexttext book eng chap final page pantone black process cv film chapter cross sectional surveys are studies aimed at determining the frequency or level of a particular attribute such as specific exposure disease any other health related event in defined population point time for instance we can carry out survey to estimate prevalence hepatitis b infection smoking pro portion women childbearing age who breast feeding given example exampleexample thethe w worldorld fer fertilitytility sur surveysveys wfs wer weree national humanhuman r repreproductiveoductive behaviour conducted about developing and devel opedoped countries late s among aspects behav iouriour these collected infor informationmation on br feedingeast practices united nations t tableable shows per percentagescentages aged years whowho ar aroundound selected regionregionregion yyyearearear samplesamplesample size percentagepercentagepercentage table countrycountrycountry surveysurveysurvey yearsyearsyears currently ...