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picture1_Research Pdf 52615 | Chapter 2   Exploratory Research Design

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File: Research Pdf 52615 | Chapter 2 Exploratory Research Design
marketing research exploratory research design 2 exploratory research design 2 1 chapter summary this chapter will start with defining research design classifying various designs and explaining the difference between exploratory ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Marketing research exploratory design chapter summary this will start with defining classifying various designs and explaining the difference between conclusive by comparing contrasting basic descriptive causal it explain how problem definition is linked selection of then explore in detail provide classification discuss important techniques such as depth interviews focus groups projective its importance term used variety ways researchers referred a master plan blueprint even sequence tasks activities simple terms methods procedures that to collect analyze data needed manager provides researcher go about answering question s defined together clearly into researchable extremely also contains clear objectives derived from specify information sources which be collected type technique survey observation experimentation etc sampling methodology schedule budget there should justification regard based on stated above purpose any obtain evidence addresses usually however are number can achieved...

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