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picture1_Marketing Ppt 67602 | 99994145

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File: Marketing Ppt 67602 | 99994145
syllabus classification of research designs exploratory descriptive and conclusive research designs causal research secondary data nature sources and advantages primary data nature types means issues in obtaining primary data research ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Syllabus classification of research designs exploratory descriptive and conclusive causal secondary data nature sources advantages primary types means issues in obtaining design a is framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing project acts as guide collecting analyzing details procedures necessary information needed to structure solve problems components cross longitudin sectional al single multiple source malhotra objective provide insights into understanding business phenomena it initial step series studies designed supply decision making used instances where subject study can t be measured quantitative manner process measurement cannot realistically represent particular qualities e g atmosphere meant restaurant satisfaction case product service category...

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