contemporary educational technology 2019 10 2 106 119 doi https doi org 10 30935 cet 554452 type research article a comparative study on social media addiction of high school and ...
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...Contemporary educational technology doi https org cet type research article a comparative study on social media addiction of high school and university students ali simsek anadolu turkey orcid kemal elciyar taner kizilhan x received accepted published abstract considering that is probably the most recent present was designed based six components suggested by griffiths toward main purpose bergen facebook scale adapted to translated into turkish after validation process it administered total them were data collection instrument included five point likert items in categories along with structured regarding demographics respondents addition original findings similar some other countries examined for comparisons results showed both have moderate level being or student does not make any difference however significant differences found gender duration use department at finally show certain similarities few studies conducted keywords internet introduction traditionally concept medical model ex...