the impact of macroeconomic indicators to stock market performance the case of indonesia and malaysia stock market marceline adella violeta 121219718 international business management program economy faculty universitas atma jaya ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The impact of macroeconomic indicators to stock market performance case indonesia and malaysia marceline adella violeta international business management program economy faculty universitas atma jaya yogyakarta abstract purpose this researh is examine in period january december that used are gross domestic product growth rate inflation interest proxies liquidity capitalization return represented by jkse klse research employs multiple regression analysis using backward elimination method classical assumption for least squre all data free from heteroscedasticity autocorrelation multicollinearity result showed have no proxy negative several which while keywords introduction background study many studies about relation between been done found fiscal environment one building blocks determine success or otherwise securities paddy coleman tetey examined effect variables on ghana exchange their results suggested should be considered investors developing economies but there still limited how af...