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picture1_Research Pdf 51977 | Sesi4 Risetkuantitatif Final

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File: Research Pdf 51977 | Sesi4 Risetkuantitatif Final
quantitative research by dr achmad nizar hidayanto information management lab faculty of computer science universitas indonesia depok 2 agustus 2017 quantitative research definition source wikipedia in sociology quantitative research refers ...

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...Quantitative research by dr achmad nizar hidayanto information management lab faculty of computer science universitas indonesia depok agustus definition source wikipedia in sociology refers to the systematic empirical investigation social phenomena via statistical mathematical or computational techniques objective is develop and employ models theories hypotheses pertaining process measurementis central because it provides fundamental connection between observation expression relationships data any that numerical form such as statistics percentages etc layman s terms this means researcher asks a specific narrow question collects sample from participants answer analyzes with help...

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