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picture1_Research Pdf 51941 | 4 Bab1

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File: Research Pdf 51941 | 4 Bab1
chapter i introduction a research background textbook is the book used by the teacher to be the guidance for students learning at class it provides the content of lesson however ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chapter i introduction a research background textbook is the book used by teacher to be guidance for students learning at class it provides content of lesson however no perfect therefore teachers should have option assigning supplementary materials based on their own specific needs in teaching situation according whorter textbooks are not only parts which assigned instructor various time during semester devices richard says that can language form printed such as books workbooks worksheets or reader second one non cassette audio videos computer and also self access interned has some benefits either parrish said assuring measure structure consistency logical progression minimizes preparation prepare besides allows learners review material preview other lessons benefit from meet expectations having something concrete work take home further study novice with course activity design may provide multiple resources tapes cd etc budisan many publishers been publishing without being evaluated te...

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