jurnal kemanusiaan bil 9 jun 2007 case study as a research method zaidah zainal m zaidah utm my faculty of management and human resource development universiti teknologi malaysia abstract although ...
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...Jurnal kemanusiaan bil jun case study as a research method zaidah zainal m utm my faculty of management and human resource development universiti teknologi malaysia abstract although methods remain controversial approach to data collection they are widely recognised in many social science studies especially when depth explanations behaviour sought after this article therefore discusses several aspects these include the design categories how their robustness can be achieved it also explores on advantages disadvantages introduction through reports past allows exploration understanding complex issues considered robust particularly holistic investigation is required tool role becomes more prominent with regard education gulsecen kubat sociology grassel schirmer community based problems johnson such poverty unemployment drug addiction illiteracy etc were raised one reasons for recognition that researchers becoming concerned about limitations quantitative providing behavioural question resea...