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picture1_Research Pdf 51824 | 662 Ijrse Final

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File: Research Pdf 51824 | 662 Ijrse Final
international journal of research studies in education 2021 volume 10 number 8 57 63 implementation of modular learning approach in relation to the performance of grade 5 pupils at bagong ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...International journal of research studies in education volume number implementation modular learning approach relation to the performance grade pupils at bagong pag asa elementary school omnes agnes q emilio aguinaldo college philippines deped gov ph issn online received march revised may accepted open access available july doi ijrse abstract study respondents were forty five who are enrolled modality researcher used one group class utilized non probability sampling specifically purposive technique determining section that served as a descriptive method determine relationship between extent concerning more so she modified instruments based on module evaluation questionnaire found out is highly implemented with an overall mean furthermore majority learners obtained very satisfactory rating there significant item which states has given enough time learn their own and level revealed by average first quarter p value does not exceed significance thus null hypothesis failed reject result imp...

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