File: The Environment Pdf 50584 | Enviromental Studies
1 ii environmental studies multiple choice questions mcqs term iii class ii subject environmental studies topic our universe our environment and pollution question 1 the earth is a a star ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Ii environmental studies multiple choice questions mcqs term iii class subject topic our universe environment and pollution question the earth is a star b planet c galaxy which largest in solar system jupiter mars shape of changes everyday moon what do we get from sun heat light wind water famous constellation ursa major satellite heavenly objects that move around are called family milky way how many planets there d stars have their own yes no has its when gets dirty it surrounding very for us harmful good healthy should throw garbage dustbin room types pollutions land air all these not drink clean type occur by smoke factories noise can affect smelling hearing running caused loud music bursting firecrackers honking horn place where live fish other animals may die due to will be strong if breathe fresh polluted cause diseased germs fruits food belongs see sky means transport communication use different travel telephone letters e mail most vehicles run on fuel fax ship boat bus helicopt...