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picture1_Environmental Pollution Pdf 50409 | Study Materials For Tce 0

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File: Environmental Pollution Pdf 50409 | Study Materials For Tce 0
environmental pollution control measures c fundamentals of prevention and control of air pollution as mentioned above air pollutants can be gaseous or particulate matters different techniques for controlling these pollutants ...

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...Environmental pollution control measures c fundamentals of prevention and air as mentioned above pollutants can be gaseous or particulate matters different techniques for controlling these are discussed below a methods combustion this technique is used when the in form organic gases vapors during flame catalytic process converted into water vapor relatively less harmful products such co absorption effluents passed through scrubbers absorbers contain suitable liquid absorbent which removes modifies one more present adsorption porous solid adsorbents kept containers inorganic constituents effluent trapped at interface adsorbent by physical b to emissions mechanical devices generally work on basis following dustbagfilter i gravity particles settle down gravitational force ii sudden change direction gas flow causes separate out due greater momentum fabric filters containing dust medium media may woven filled fabrics collected freed from discharged wet chemical mining metallurgical industri...

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