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picture1_The Environment Pdf 50191 | Ib 105 Onl

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File: The Environment Pdf 50191 | Ib 105 Onl
ib 105 environmental biology online on learn illinois march 22 may 05 2021 instructor dr surangi w punyasena associate professor plant biology email spunya1 illinois edu office 139 morrill hall ...

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...Ib environmental biology online on learn illinois march may instructor dr surangi w punyasena associate professor plant email spunya edu office morrill hall course overview this class is an introduction to the of problems are complex involving aspects history philosophy behavior science economics social justice and politics designed engage you with a broad perspective our relationship land water air other living things in order for become ecologically literate citizen ecological literacy involves understanding basics biological ability see understand connections between nonliving environment individual level also requires among personal health natural systems comprehension distinguish sustainable unsustainable uses nature finally perhaps most importantly identify generate solutions help enact those we expect yourself essential background information knowledge necessary facilitate your own path satisfies general education criteria life sciences addressing scope will cover all fundamenta...

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