460 206 environmental geology syllabus lnstructor sweeta chauhan office 141 smith hall office hours m t 11 30 to 12 30 am or by appointment meeting time section 1 tth ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Environmental geology syllabus lnstructor sweeta chauhan office smith hall hours m t to am or by appointment meeting time section tth mw boyden course description this is intended provide you with a scientific overview of as it relates human activities termed logical place start in order begin understand complex issues particular we will investigate the physical constraints imposed on near surface and geological processes that are continually shaping environment live b resources utilize sustain our lives earth focus not addressed detail planet class designed compliment material covered laboratory classes note thirty percent grade based quizzes attendance taken an electronic response pad every if happy idea expected come regularly stay for duration then cannot get good without committing regular continuous furthermore technophobic also pads use much simpler than your cell phone other personal devices nothing be scared said year small minority complains about technology classroom think l...